National World Jamboree

July 22 – August 2, 2019
The Summit Bechtel Reserve 
Glen Jean, West Virginia

For the first time since 1967 the U.S. will host a World Scout Jamboree (aka Mondial) along with host nations Mexico and Canada. Approximate attendance will be 35,000 to 40,000 from 160+ countries. 

The world Jamboree is not like a National Jamboree as roughly half the participants are females. Almost all scouting organizations in other countries have coed troops. This creates an even better experience than the National Jamborees. 

The U.S. will send 6,480 youth and 720 adults in troops and crews. This will consist of 180 troops/crews with each having 36 youth and 4 adult leaders. 


Youth participants (boys and girls) must be age 14-17 - Birthday between July 22, 2001 and July 21, 2005 
Adult unit leaders (age 18 and older) - Birthday before July 22, 2001 (age 18 and older) 
International Service Team (IST) age 18 and older

There are no exceptions.

Selection Process
The Boy Scouts of America is limited to the number of participants and International Service Team Members it can send to a World Jamboree. Based on anticipated participation, space could be limited.

Participants – Participants will be notified, by unit leadership, if they have been accepted or are being put on a waiting list. If they are put on a waiting list, they will continue to pay according to the payment schedule. Applicants on the waiting list that are not ultimately selected will receive a full refund (including initial deposit).
Leaders – There will be four leaders per unit and acceptance timing will be based on the filling of youth in the units which have been allocated to each Region. Leaders will continue to pay, according to the payment schedule even if they have not been confirmed. BSA area and regional leadership will select leaders based on the leader qualifications. Leader applicants who are not ultimately selected will receive a full refund. If a unit leader applicant is not selected for a unit leadership position, it would be encouraged that they consider modifying their registration status to that of an International Service Team member applicant. Once that modification is made in their application, selection for IST positions would be handled by the Host Committee. Female leadership is important in order to follow BSA policy on co-ed units.
IST – Once approved by their local Council and the USA Contingent leadership, the application will be sent to the World Jamboree Organizers (Host). The Host will notify the applicant of acceptance and job assignment. Some assignments will likely be given in 2018 and some in 2019. The applicant will need to continue to pay as per the fee schedule above. If an applicant is not ultimately accepted, they will receive a full refund.
Applying does not guarantee a spot with the US Contingent. Once you finish your application, it will be sent for further approval and review by your Council and the National Office.

How much does it cost? 

  • For the International Service Team it is $1,700 plus you have to make your own transportation to and from Jamboree:
  • For the Leaders and youth attending, the cost is $2,500 from the Gateway city.  For us in Jacksonville, our Gateway city will probably be Orlando or Atlanta.  However it could change if we fill the entire group from the North Florida Council.  From the Gateway City, transportation and meals are handled all the way to the end.  To keep the cost down, there will not be any touring on the way there or back.  

Payment Schedule - PARTICIPANTS

Deposit $250.00 1/31/2018

installment $850.00 3/15/2018

installment $700.00 9/15/2018

installment $700.00 3/15/2019

Total Amount Paid $2,500.00


Online Only at ($250 due at time of registration)

If you are not a member of a Venture Crew yet (as you are not 14 yet) but you want to sign up, you can do so ($250 due when registering).  Send an e mail to and they will call you back to register. 


Questions Contact Jim Morency at 904-742-6585 /