Friends of Scouting

Unit leaders are asked to host a Friends of Scouting presentation at their next Blue and Gold or Court of Honor between December and April so that each member of your unit can be invited to consider making a financial gift to the North Florida Council. As a reminder, your annual registration fee is submitted directly to the National Office and your unit activity fees support your individual unit operations. Your prompt reply allows your District team to schedule quality presenters to every unit in a timely manner.

Schedule Your Presentation here

Unit Level Giving - 2025 Pledges & Payments

Just as your church or school might do, Scouting asks its families to consider making an annual contribution of support. Your FOS gift provides:

  • Camp facilities for year-round outdoor fun
  • Local programs and activities, where costs remain low because of FOS support
  • Training for volunteer leaders
  • Camp scholarships, uniforms, and registration fees for youth in need
  • Field and support staff who counsel, guide and support your volunteer leadership
  • A Scout Service Center that coordinates activities and provides customer service
  • Sickness, accident and liability insurance to protect youth and adult members

 Thank you in advance for your continued support of Scouting – and thank you for your continued service to our youth!

2025 Family Friends of Scouting Brochure